Loki’s Folly is an indie-punk trio comprised of two young sisters and a brother from South Minneapolis who like to play loud music that makes them happy. For a three-piece outfit, they make a very big sound that is all their own. When Loki’s Folly play, they bring you into their world. It is a universe where influences like Sleater Kinney meet the tradition of Swedish Kulning in the best possible way.


Annie (age 21) plays guitar and sings. Nissa (age 16) plays the drum set and sings. Oskar (age 12) plays the bass. Each brings their unique personality to the music, and their sound is gelled by the blend of their sibling voices singing together. The band initially formed out of the girls taking lessons separately at Twin Town Guitars. They began having their lessons together and after a handful of sessions Loki’s Folly was born! It wasn’t long before people outside of the practice space starting taking notice.


The girls energetic and passionate live shows have been garnering a devoted fan base from longtime Minnesota musicians. Soul Asylum, Haley, Gramma’s Boyfriend, The Melismatics, and Ryan and Pony have all put them on local shows this past year.


Ed Ackerson and Ryan Smith brought the girls into Flowers Studio to documenting their songs. They will be releasing their debut album Sisu on Kitten Robot Records on February 21, 2023.